Trafalgar Square in London

Trafalgar Square is a square located in the heart of London, it is a major tourist attraction. Infact it is the fourth most popular tourist attraction on Earth with more than fifteen million visitors a year.

At the very center is Nelson's Column, which is guarded by four lion statues at its base.
Statues and sculptures are on display in the square, and it is a site for political demonstrations. In fact when we visited the place there was a demonstration by a group of girls against human trafficking.

The square consists of a large central area which is surrounded by roadways on three sides and has stairs leading to the National Gallery on the last end.

The statue of General Havelock in Trafalgar Square.

Trafalgar Square is home to a variety of events throughout the year. At the northeast corner of Trafalgar Square is the St. Martin-in-the-Fields - an Anglican church.

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